There are many initiatives in place to help bolster conservation efforts for vultures – some of the world’s most maligned and misunderstood creatures. But certainly, one of the more distinctive ones is a recent collaboration to highlight their plight… through song!
South Africa’s Drakensberg Boys Choir has joined forces with singer George Philippart and endangered species protection organization, Wildlife ACT, to create a musical number to raise awareness for vulture conservation, performing a rendition of We Are One from Disney’s The Lion King. The song aims to raise awareness and encourage funding towards the conservation of this often-overlooked species.
Chris Kelly, Co-Founder and Director of Wildlife ACT said, “it is unfortunate that most people underestimate the role vultures play and how devastating it would be to us if they were to be permanently removed from the environment. We hope that this inspiring piece will help to bring awareness to this endangered species’ plight.”
Vultures have an undeservingly bad reputation: dirty, ugly, villainous harbingers of death. The reality, however, is that vultures are critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems as their diet of decaying carrion helps prevent the spread of infectious diseases in both animals and humans. Vultures are crucial for a healthy and functioning environment, and are thus creatures to be praised, not condemned.
Unfortunately, Africa’s vultures are circling towards extinction. In just 30 years, their numbers have plummeted by 90%. In Southern Africa, four of the country’s nine vulture species are listed as critically endangered. The greatest threats to their survival are poisoning, powerline collisions and electrocutions, habitat loss and the illegal trade of body parts. Throughout Africa, some people prize vultures for their heads and feet, used in unproven “traditional” medicines.
We are fighting hard to help preserve this keystone species, and all our work is made possible entirely by our donors. Support our latest vulture preservation efforts here.