Terms and conditions

1. Detailed Description of Goods and/or Services

Animal Survival International (“ASI”) is a non-profit organization that acts as a voice  for animals around the world threatened by climate change and other  environmental issues, in order to raise awareness and take action against the  threats that endanger their survival.

2. Deemed Acceptance 

By accessing and using this website or donating you agree to be bound by these  terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”), including the privacy policy  contained in Appendix A (“Privacy Policy”).

ASI reserves the right to, at its sole discretion, amend, modify, add to or remove  any provisions (in whole or in part) of these Terms and Conditions from time to  time.

3. Website Usage

You may only use this website for the purpose for which it was intended and  subject to these Terms and Conditions.

You may not use this website or any of the content for or in conjunction with any  illegal, unlawful, or unethical purpose or as prohibited by the provisions herein  contained.

You may not:

  • take action aimed at deceiving or misleading any person, attempt to impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation to any person or otherwise manipulate identifiers to disguise the origin of anything posted or  transmitted electronically to ASI;
  • make available or upload files that contain software of any other material  not owned or appropriately licensed by you;
  • use this website to make fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, items, or  services;
  • violate the privacy of any person or attempt to gain unauthorized access to  the products and/or services or any other website or network;
  • use this website in any manner which could damage, impair, overburden, or disable the website or interfere with any other persons use or enjoyment thereof; or
  • frame, nor use framing technologies to enclose this website.

4. Use

ASI reserves the right to –

  • refuse services, suspend, or terminate your access to this website at its sole discretion; and/or
  • claim damages from you as far as you do not comply with these Terms and  Conditions.

5. Proprietary Rights

No rights in and to this website are granted to you, other than to use this website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Without limiting the generality of  the foregoing, you shall not –

  • print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store, display in public, alter, or modify this website, including copyright-, trademark-, patent- or other intellectual property rights, unless expressly stated herein; or
  • use this website, icons, site address, or other means to hyperlink other internet sites with any page in this website, for any purpose other than  advancing the cause of animal welfare or raising awareness for issues surrounding animal survival and threats thereto.

6. Limitation of Liability and Disclaimers

This website, including any current or future information in respect of ASI campaigns and services, are provided on an “as is” basis, and may include  inaccuracies or typographical errors. ASI shall not be held liable for any damage, loss, or liability of any nature whatsoever, howsoever caused.

ASI makes no warranties or representations as to the availability, accuracy  or completeness of this website or any third-party content accessible  thereon. 

ASI shall not be held liable or responsible for any direct or indirect, special,  consequential or other damage of any kind whatsoever suffered or incurred  by you, related to the use of, or the inability to access or use, or reliance on  this website or the donations portal or any functionality thereof, or of any  linked website, including any claims arising from negligence. 

You hereby indemnify, hold harmless, and expressly exempt and release ASI  from any and all liabilities and claims arising from any cause whatsoever,  including those related (whether directly or indirectly) to the use of this  website and/or making any donations via this website.

The use of this website is at your sole risk.

Information provided on the website and in respect of the campaigns and other materials and documents are to be used as a guideline only and may be influenced  by variable and/or unforeseen factors.

7. Non-Endorsement

Reference to any specific company, products, processes, or services by trade  name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise on this website does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by ASI.

8. Linked Sites

The website and online profiles may contain links to other websites that are not  controlled or maintained by ASI.

While ASI tries to include only links to those sites which are safe, you agree that ASI will not be responsible for the content, advertising, privacy policies, products,  services, or other materials on or available from such linked websites.

The use of linked websites is at your own risk. Any inclusion of such links on this  website does however not imply its endorsement of the linked site nor the content  thereof.

ASI reserves the right to disable links from third party sites to this website.

9. Campaigns

ASI reserves the right to change campaigns that it supports at any time and to  divert funds received into any other campaign at its sole discretion.

10. Payment options accepted 

Payment may be made via Visa, MasterCard, Diners, or American Express Cards  or by bank transfer into the ASI bank account, the details of which will be provided  on request.

11. Card acquiring and security 

Card transactions will be processed for ASI via the following approved payment  gateways (which gateways may be changed in ASI’s sole discretion from time to  time without notice to you):

United Kingdom: Stripe and Paypal 

Users may go to https://stripe.com/en-gb and

https://www.paypal.com/uk/home to view their security certificates and security policies.

United States: Stripe and Paypal 

Users may go to https://stripe.com/ and

https://www.paypal.com/us/home to view their security certificates and security policies.

12.Country of domicile and company information 

This website is governed by the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and  Northern Ireland and ASI chooses the below addresses as its domicilia citandi et  executandi for all purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court  process, notice, or other documents or communication.

United Kingdom: Animal Survival International Ltd.
A non-profit organization registered at Companies House.
Address: 9 Bonhill Street, London, EC2A  4DJ
Phone number: + 44 (0)208 470 5700
Company number: 02565899

United States: Animal Survival International USA, Inc. 
An IRS designated 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Address: PO BOX 489, Barnstable, MA 02630
Phone number: + 1 727 599 8148
EIN number: 88-3049506

South Africa: Animal Survival International NPC
Address: Unit D11 Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Westlake, Cape Town, 7945
Phone number: + 27 21 100 4831
Company number: 2022/391872/08

In South Africa, Animal Survival International is a tax-exempt charitable institution. As such, any donations made by South African taxpayers are tax deductible. Our taxpayer reference number is 930078975.

The ASI email address (all countries) is: [email protected] 


ASI may, in its sole discretion, change these Terms and Conditions (and the  Privacy Policy) or any part thereof at any time without notice. Each time you  interact with ASI via this Website, you agree to the Terms and Conditions then  applicable.