Before you raise your holiday glass to bid farewell to the year, we ask you to take a moment to think about the animals. The endangered elephants of South Africa have a vital item on their wish list for 2024 – and they are sincerely hoping you’ll help make it come true…
Credit: HERD
Please help us give thirsty, rescued elephants the gift of water before the year ends.
Imagine a majestic herd of rescued elephants – each one already orphaned under heartbreaking circumstances – basking in a magnificent pool of fresh, abundant water.
This is our dream for the Jabulani Herd – a family of 17 orphaned, rescued elephants in the care of our partner, Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development (HERD) in South Africa.
These precious animals have experienced untold suffering in their lives, and we want your help to give them the idyllic, life-sustaining oasis they deserve.
With adults weighing around six tons, elephants naturally have a BIG thirst – they need up to 50 gallons (200 liters) of water every day to survive.
Credit: HERD
In 2025 and beyond, we want to provide them with a steady, stable water source so they never again have to worry about where their next drink might be coming from in this drought-prone country. We need your help to make it happen.
Let’s celebrate the strength of South Africa’s orphaned survivors by giving these elephants a lifetime of crucial water.
If we can raise $7,000 (£5,500), we can drill a borehole near the elephants’ primary waterhole and equip it with a solar-powered pump.
This will provide a reliable, long-term source of water for the elephants, sustaining them through the current dry period and well into the future.
Your generosity in 2024 helped us provide life-saving water to wildlife across drought-ravaged Botswana and Zimbabwe. Thanks to you, countless wild animals who would otherwise have perished are alive and well, despite the horrific drought that has ravaged southern Africa.
Now, you can make the same life-changing difference for elephants in South Africa. Make your final gift of 2024 count by donating generously now.