EMERGENCY! Lily the pregnant pangolin has taken a SUDDEN TURN FOR THE WORSE!

EMERGENCY! Lily the pregnant pangolin has taken a SUDDEN TURN FOR THE WORSE!

In October, we told you about Lily, the terribly emaciated pangolin who was rescued from traffickers in South Africa and miraculously turned out to be pregnant despite her horrific ordeal at the hands of callous criminals. We reached out to you for support, and you responded generously, allowing us to send critical funds to kick-start her intensive medical care and rehabilitation.

But Lily has taken a sudden turn for the worse!

EMERGENCY! Lily the pregnant pangolin has taken a SUDDEN TURN FOR THE WORSE!

Her red blood cell count has plummeted, and her only chance for survival is a blood transfusion! We cannot give up on Lily and her unborn baby now. Please, help us raise the $3,000 (£2,200) needed to give her and her baby a chance of survival!

If we are to save Lily and her baby’s lives, two teams must work simultaneously to meet a tight deadline. A medical team will be at the wildlife hospital working to stabilize Lily’s condition so that the procedure can be successful, while a second team will have just hours to track another pangolin, draw a safe amount of life-saving blood for Lily and rush it back to the hospital!

An undertaking like this has NEVER BEEN ATTEMPTED before!
We MUST try to save Lily and her baby!

EMERGENCY! Lily the pregnant pangolin has taken a SUDDEN TURN FOR THE WORSE!

Lily was rescued from traffickers in a shockingly emaciated state

Lily and her baby are lucky that a large adult male pangolin was recently rehabilitated and released in a nearby protected area. Using his state-of-the-art GPS tracking tag, the team know exactly where to find him and is standing by to deploy. Rangers will track him on foot and an expert wildlife veterinarian will draw blood after confirming that it will not negatively impact his health or affect his strength. The blood will be packed into cold storage and rushed to the hospital to hopefully give Lily the strength she needs to recover and see her pregnancy through.

Pangolins are the most trafficked mammal on earth.
Every pangolin life is critical for their survival!

Every single species of pangolin in Africa and Asia are at risk of extinction. Their scales are used widely in phony traditional “medicines” and their meat is served as an illegal delicacy in many countries. A thriving black market for these gentle creatures is driving them to extinction at a rate we have never seen before, and if we don’t do everything we can to save pangolin lives now, they will be wiped out in a matter of years.

EMERGENCY! Lily the pregnant pangolin has taken a SUDDEN TURN FOR THE WORSE!

Lily has been fighting so hard to survive and to see her pregnancy through, and her team of caregivers continues to give her the best possible around-the-clock care. But pangolins are very delicate creatures and Lily won’t be able to recover from her dangerously low red blood cell count without our help. Please, donate now and help us rush emergency help to Lily and her baby!

Saving animals and the planet,

General Manager
Animal Survival International

P.S. Lily is in critical condition, but we have a plan to save her! Please donate generously right now so that the teams can get to work stabilizing her and tracking the donor pangolin so that she can receive a life-saving blood transfusion!

Credits: Banner, image 1 & 2: Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre;
Image 4:Taylor Weidman/Getty Images/The Mail and Guardian

EMERGENCY! Lily the pregnant pangolin has taken a SUDDEN TURN FOR THE WORSE!

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