The young pangolin, Bean, was illegally captured and shot in the head. MIRACULOUSLY, he SURVIVED!

The young pangolin, Bean, was illegally captured and shot in the head. MIRACULOUSLY, he SURVIVED!

Please, will you help today?

In South Africa, a young pangolin has been rescued from the criminal wildlife trade and needs URGENT MEDICAL ATTENTION to save his life!

During an undercover operation conducted by the Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre, in partnership with the South African Police Service, their team found the pangolin stuffed into a small metal barrel. He had been there for more than a week (clawing his paws raw attempting to escape), with no food or water, starved almost to death and suffering from serious injuries. The criminals were arrested, they will be prosecuted and hopefully receive a hefty sentence.

The team named the pangolin Bean and rushed him to the nearest wildlife veterinary hospital where an examination revealed multiple injuries. He has a deep head wound, believed to have been caused by a pellet gun, and his hands and feet were damaged, probably from frantically trying to escape the small barrel.

The young pangolin, Bean, was illegally captured and shot in the head. MIRACULOUSLY, he SURVIVED!

Pangolins are highly susceptible to stress which makes keeping them alive in captivity difficult. Bean is now receiving intensive 24-hour-a-day care from pangolin experts at Umoya Khulula, but his life remains in danger. Pangolins are so endangered that the life of a single individual is vitally important.

We must raise $3,000 (£2,400) a CT scan and treatment, to check for internal injuries, and specialized antibiotics to fight infections. We urgently need your help to provide this critical medical care if Bean is to survive the crucial next period.

Bean is a Temminck’s ground pangolin, less than one year old, weighing 10.6 lb (4.8 kg) and critically underweight for his age. His head wound is a major concern and must be monitored 24 hours a day.

The young pangolin, Bean, was illegally captured and shot in the head. MIRACULOUSLY, he SURVIVED!

We are deeply concerned for his life
and must quickly raise the money to pay for his treatment.

Pangolins are the most trafficked mammal on the planet and sadly, on the verge of extinction. More than ONE MILLION pangolins have been poached and trafficked in the last decade. Highly sought after in Asian countries, pangolins are killed for their scales, used to make traditional Chinese ‘medicines.’ Often the scales are stripped from their bodies while they are still alive. They are also considered a delicacy in some countries and boiled alive.

The young pangolin, Bean, was illegally captured and shot in the head. MIRACULOUSLY, he SURVIVED!

Our partner, Umoya Khulula works tirelessly to rescue pangolins from the illegal trade and rehabilitate them. Even if they are healthy when they are saved, rescued pangolins require specialized care before being released into protected wild areas.

If we can help Bean survive, it is a small victory in a desperate fight to prevent these shy, nocturnal creatures from becoming extinct. His life is important for his species survival. Our team is working hard to help his fight for life, but we cannot do it without your support. Please, help us save Bean by making a generous donation right now.

Saving animals and the planet,

General Manager
Animal Survival International

P.S. There are eight pangolin species, all so threatened they are at risk of being lost forever. Our goal is to save every pangolin we can. Every single one we rescue and rehabilitate is a small victory in the battle to save pangolins from extinction. If we don’t help pangolins now, it will only be a matter of time before they are gone forever. Please, donate generously today. Help us save Bean!

Image credits: Banner, Image 1 & 2: Umoya Khulula, Image 3: PSBF_WCRU

The young pangolin, Bean, was illegally captured and shot in the head. MIRACULOUSLY, he SURVIVED!

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