Millions of rare and endangered animals, including jaguars and giant anteaters, are caught in a RAGING INFERNO!

Millions of rare and endangered animals, including jaguars and giant anteaters, are caught in a RAGING INFERNO!

The world’s largest tropical wetland, the Pantanal in Brazil, is burning – again! Millions of rare and endangered animals including jaguars, giant anteaters and maned wolves, face death if we don’t act now to contain the blaze and save every animal we can. Please help us raise funds to provide emergency fire fighting equipment and rescue and treat animals injured by the fire.

17 MILLION animals DIED in the 2020 Pantanal fires!
We cannot let this happen again!

Millions of rare and endangered animals, including jaguars and giant anteaters, are caught in a RAGING INFERNO!

The Pantanal is one of the most biodiverse and unspoiled places left in the world. Almost 5,000 species rely on this ecosystem for survival. It is home to the world’s largest concentration of jaguars, who have already lost nearly half their native range worldwide. Last year, unprecedented wildfires, driven by the worst drought in half a century, destroyed 38% of the Pantanal, killing an estimated 17 million animals in a matter of weeks! We cannot allow this to happen again!

Millions of rare and endangered animals, including jaguars and giant anteaters, are caught in a RAGING INFERNO!

The fires have now spread into the protected areas! Thousands of endangered animals face death if we don’t act now!

More than 1,000 wildfires are already destroying the critically sensitive Pantanal and the number is growing by the hour. In just five days, 17,000 hectares (42,000 acres) and untold numbers of animals have already been lost. We have promised to rush emergency funding to the Pantanal Relief Fund, but we need your help. Please, donate now to save the animals of the Pantanal.

An emergency animal treatment center is being set up, and volunteer veterinarians are standing by to rescue as many animals as they can. But, without funds for critical supplies and fuel, their work will be limited, and many lives will be lost.

If these fires are left to burn, the Pantanal may never recover!

Millions of rare and endangered animals, including jaguars and giant anteaters, are caught in a RAGING INFERNO!

It is vital that fire breaks are created to save as much of this habitat as we can. Tens of millions of animals rely on this ecosystem, but if we cannot save critical conservation areas, these animals could be lost forever.

Millions of rare and endangered animals, including jaguars and giant anteaters, are caught in a RAGING INFERNO!

The Pantanal’s rainy season should start in October, but the worst drought in over 50 years means that rainfall could come as late as December. Critical zones that need to support the surviving animals until the rains come are already burning. The Pantanal Relief Fund need our support immediately if they are to have any chance of success!

This could become the worst ecological disaster of our lifetime! We must do everything within our power to bring it to an end before it is too late!

Millions of rare and endangered animals, including jaguars and giant anteaters, are caught in a RAGING INFERNO!

The Pantanal is one of the world’s most effective carbon sinks, helping to fight climate change and providing a refuge for thousands of endangered animals. Larger than England, the loss of this utopia could speed up global warming and the extinctions of hundreds of threatened species.

Animal Survival International was created to prevent exactly this and we will do everything we can, but we desperately need your help. Please donate towards the emergency relief efforts today.

Saving animals and the planet,

General Manager
Animal Survival International

P.S. Right now the fires are spreading fast and there are animals in need of rescue. Please, donate generously to help us provide emergency relief. There is no time to lose!

Banner image credit: Reuters

Millions of rare and endangered animals, including jaguars and giant anteaters, are caught in a RAGING INFERNO!

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