Endangered pangolins need dedicated intensive care unit to survive.

Endangered pangolins need dedicated intensive care unit to survive.

Nigeria is a perilous country that even humans are scared of. Can you imagine just how terrifying it must be for a pangolin?

Endangered pangolins need dedicated intensive care unit to survive.
Credit: ASI/Taryn Slabbert

Small, shy, and prized for their body parts, pangolins are deliberately and mercilessly hunted in a country teeming with wildlife criminals, leaving them with few spaces to hide.

A dedicated safe space for these endangered creatures and their tiny pups is critical to their protection in Nigeria. But we really need your help to build it.

With your support today, we will set up the first dedicated pangolin intensive care unit (ICU) and nursery in Nigeria.

Can rescued, newborn pangopups count on you right now?

Nigeria is listed as a “Country of Particular Concern” by the United States’ Task Force on Wildlife Trafficking, a designation that officially recognizes the high-level corruption that is fueling the abominable illegal trade.

Safe spaces for wild animals here are few and far between. It is not their fault they are born in a violent country where all manner of cruel and unusual crimes are able to flourish.

It is up to us as concerned custodians of our planet’s wildlife to do something to help protect pangolins.

Endangered pangolins need dedicated intensive care unit to survive.Credit: Pangolins International

We MUST get pangolins out of the hands of blood-thirsty criminal gangs.

Building the country’s first-ever dedicated pangolin nursery is CRITICAL to their survival – and YOU can help make it happen.

In the chaotic capital of Lagos, there is a desperate need for a safe, peaceful clinic in which pangolins and their babies can recover after being rescued from cruel poachers and death-filled meat markets.

Our partner, Greenfingers Wildlife Conservation Initiative (GWCI), works on the ground to save pangolins from the ruthless poaching industry. Many of GWCI’s rescues are babies, as pangopups are considered “worthless” to poachers and are usually discarded as if they were nothing more than rubbish.

Endangered pangolins need dedicated intensive care unit to survive.Construction has stalled on a critical pangolin nursery and ICU in Lagos due to lack of funds.

Credit: GWCI

The ICU and nursery will be fully equipped with everything needed for dedicated, specialized critical care of these fragile pups, as well as all adults found alive.

Pangopups need a safe, sterile, and quiet place to recover, one that is separate from other species. This prevents the spread of disease and is particularly essential in their early stages of life when their underdeveloped immune systems are highly susceptible to infection.

Endangered pangolins need dedicated intensive care unit to survive.
Credit: ASI/Byron Seale

To complicate things further, they also need a specialized milk formula to survive.

Completing the ICU and nursery will give them the best possible chance of survival on their difficult road to recovery.

Once fully healed, our partner releases rehabilitated pangolins onto privately owned land that is monitored and protected day and night by a robust anti-poaching team.

Established by Animal Survival International and run by our dedicated partner, this new clinic in Lagos will be completely dedicated to emergency care, treatment, rehabilitation and long-term shelter for pangolins in Lagos.

It will be a place where they can finally be free and safe while they recover from the horrors they have endured at the hands of poachers.

Endangered pangolins need dedicated intensive care unit to survive.
Credit: ASI/Byron Seale

Every minute is CRUCIAL when rescuing animals in critical condition and can make the difference between life and death.

Many pangolins rescued by GCWI are in critical condition: dehydrated, malnourished, and in severe shock. These fragile animals are notoriously difficult to treat and keep alive, particularly when they have been mutilated by cruel snares and traps.

To make matters worse, in many life-threatening emergencies, so much valuable time is lost navigating through hours of gridlocked Lagos traffic; and tragically, the time lost can spell death for these helpless creatures.

The pangolin ICU and nursery will be built in Lagos, close to pangolin rescue hotspots, cutting down on travel time and dramatically increasing their chances of survival.

Endangered pangolins need dedicated intensive care unit to survive.Credit: Pangolins International

The project is already underway but has stalled due to lack of funds. Please help us complete this VITAL hospital and safe haven for pangolins.

Construction of the ICU and nursery has begun, but our partner is out of funds. If we can raise $20,000 (roughly £16,000), we can complete the building and furnish it with the vital veterinary supplies and equipment we need to help save pangolin lives and pull them back from the brink of extinction.

The longer it takes to complete the project, the more animals will die – so please, donate as much as you can immediately, and let’s work together to complete Nigeria’s first dedicated pangolin ICU and pangopup nursery.

Saving animals and the planet,

General Manager
Animal Survival International

P.S. Soon, all wildlife in Nigeria could be endangered due to increasing levels of cruel and indiscriminate poaching. Please help us finish the construction of the country’s first dedicated pangolin intensive care unit and pangopup nursery. A pangolin is slaughtered roughly every two and a half minutes in Africa. Help us stop the decimation and save pangolin lives NOW by donating right away.

Banner credit: Pangolins International

Endangered pangolins need dedicated intensive care unit to survive.

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