Recently, we told you about the catastrophic drought ravaging the African country of Kenya and our plan to prevent countless animals from dying of thirst. During the past two months alone, over 200 endangered reticulated giraffes have died because of drought. In a population estimated to number just 6,000, these rare animals could be extinct within two years.
We asked for your help to help us reach our goal of $10,000 to construct watering holes. We have not yet reached that goal – but we are close and the clock is ticking. You can make a difference today – you can put us over the top by donating towards a permanent solution, but we need to ACT NOW.
Last week, we shared an important update from our team in the field: with your help, we have already managed to buy the animals precious time by sending water trucks to the region. You enabled us to save many wild animals who would have otherwise died of thirst.
But the animals are still in danger.
We URGENTLY need to raise just a little more.
Here’s why… and here is how, with your support, we can save many more animals.
The ASI team delivered water to the worst affected areas as quickly as possible – but tragically, our help was too late for some.
Wildlife carcasses littered the landscape, turning it into a sad, arid graveyard – bringing home to us just how real and deadly climate change is. Some animals had traveled long distances in search of water, only to arrive at a completely dried-up water hole. There was not a drop of water for these near-dead animals to drink. Desperate for hydration and having used up every last reserve of energy, they collapsed from exhaustion.
Frantically, people tried to save giraffes, oryx, and other wildlife by giving them water by hand. It broke our hearts to see some animals take their final sips, the water coming just moments too late.
But all is not lost!
Our water truck bought some valuable time for some animals… and literally SAVED THE LIVES of many others!
Now, we MUST raise a little more money to begin our vital, life-saving operation.
As I’ve already said – we are close to our fundraising goal, but not quite there. Lives depend on reaching it as quickly as possible!
If we can raise another $2,000 (£1,500) – yes, we are that close – we can build FIVE much-needed water troughs which will provide easy access to water for wildlife in dire need. Instead of dragging their exhausted bodies to dried-up watering holes where they subsequently collapse and die from dehydration, they’ll be able to find water when they arrive. We are desperate to provide this life-saving solution for the animals, but we need your help to do it.
Please, donate now so that we can continue our critical, life-saving work in Kenya. With your help, we have already had a positive impact on the rapidly dwindling numbers of wildlife in the region, but much more still needs to be done. Animals continue to die, and we must be there for them. The more we do, the more we can save – but we can only continue our work with your generous support.
Please be as generous as you can so we can create water troughs for animals dying of thirst. Our team is ready to begin building – we simply need to raise enough money to do so. Respond right away – the giraffes, kudu and lions of Kenya need your support and we are so close to meeting our goal to implement Phase II of our life-saving plan.