Africa’s painted dog are racing to extinction. Please help them.

Africa’s painted dog are racing to extinction. Please help them.

Africa’s painted dogs are among the most endangered mammals in the world. Half a million of these extraordinary predators once roamed African plains – but now, there are fewer than 7,000 left in the wild. They are facing the very real threat of extinction.

The biggest threat to painted dog populations was once lions – but now, it is humans.

It will come as no surprise to you that the greatest threat to these unique creatures – named for their colorful, patchwork-like coat – is human activity. Illegal hunting, habitat destruction and road collisions are catastrophic for painted dog populations.

Africa's painted dog are racing to extinction. Please help them.Painted dogs become victims of snares left out for other wildlife by poaching syndicates.

Image Credit: Nick Dyer

Poaching is a particularly severe threat. Snares – crude and cruel devices often made from wire – trap an unsuspecting painted dog, and if they are not rescued, they may die slowly, in excruciating pain, over several days.

Criminals are not aiming to trap painted dogs, they are after animals to sell in illegal bushmeat markets – antelopes, elephants, giraffes and buffalo – but painted dogs become unwitting victims, caught in snares or killed by poison. Snaring is devastating populations of these endangered animals, but we have a plan to help protect them – and for that, we need your support right now.

Painted dogs are tragically endangered, but with your help, we can help bring the species back from the brink of extinction.

Around 700 painted dogs live in the wild in Zimbabwe – 10 per cent of the world’s population. Their lives are in danger every single day because of an epidemic of snaring in wildlife areas. Zimbabwe’s struggling economy has caused an increase in poaching: wild animals are illegally caught, killed, chopped up and sold for their meat – known as ‘bushmeat’.

Africa's painted dog are racing to extinction. Please help them.

A painted dog caught in a snare may die a slow and agonizing death.

Image Credit: Nick Dyer

We work for the rescue, rehabilitation and release of injured painted dogs – if you are able to support our work for this unique species, please donate now!

We are working with Painted Dog Conservation (PDC) near Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, home to some 200 painted dogs, all of them at risk of being snared every single day. PDC’s highly trained anti-poaching unit works closely with Zimbabwe National Parks and the Forestry Commission to patrol the park every day, finding and removing snares that would otherwise cause intense agony and suffering to painted dogs and other animals.

Africa's painted dog are racing to extinction. Please help them.

The Painted Dog Conservation (PDC) anti-poaching unit works tirelessly to remove and destroy lethal snares left out by poachers.

Image Credit: Nick Dyer

The team has retrieved 50,000 snares since 2001saving perhaps 5,000 animals.

When the team is notified about trapped animals, it responds immediately. They are treated onsite or evacuated to the PDC sanctuary clinic, where they are treated and cared for until they can be returned to the wild. Those with injuries or disabilities severe enough to prevent their release become permanent residents at the sanctuary, where they live in an environment as close to the wild as possible.

Africa's painted dog are racing to extinction. Please help them.

The PDC responds immediately to reports of injured painted dogs and administers expert care.

Image Credit: Nick Dyer

If we can raise $6,000 (£4,700), we can provide painted dogs with medical care and supplies. There is no exaggeration in saying painted dogs are so endangered that saving a single life is important for the survival of the species.

Africa's painted dog are racing to extinction. Please help them.

A painted dog is treated after a snare is removed from its neck.

Image credit: Nick Dyer

Painted dogs are intelligent and highly sociable animals, with each one bearing a unique pattern. They are extremely caring to their packmates and if one dog is elderly, hurt or ill, the pack will take turns caring for it. Only the alpha male and female breed and the rest of the pack supports the raising of the pups. If one dog dies due to snaring or road collision, it affects the hierarchy of the entire pack, and can be the difference between the family structure surviving or collapsing, and the pups dying.

We understand the importance of helping every painted dog we can – and we believe you do, too. Please donate as much as you can right now, and help us protect this precious and important species.

Saving animals and the planet,

General Manager
Animal Survival International

P.S. Your donation right now will be a victory in the fight to save painted dogs from extinction – yet another species we risk losing because of human cruelty. Please donate today so we can help save the lives of snared and injured painted dogs, and return them to the wild where they can live as nature intended.

Banner image: Nick Dyer

Africa’s painted dog are racing to extinction. Please help them.

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