Elephant calf rescue in South Africa.

Elephant calf rescue in South Africa.

Africa is in the midst of a horrifying elephant poaching crisisFor every mother elephant killed, a calf is left behind â€“ traumatized, helpless and alone.

There are many knock-on effects. When poachers lay wire snares to trap elephants, calves are often caught, and they become orphaned when their mothers abandon them after fruitless hours and days of trying to free them. These critically vulnerable orphans stand almost no chance of survival without your help today.

Elephant calf rescue in South Africa.Credit: AP

Every 15 minutes, an elephant is killed for its ivory tusks. This amounts to a loss of nearly 100 elephants every day – and an orphan crisis.

Extensive studies have shown that elephants feel emotions including grief, joy, love and compassion. Mothers are fiercely protective and nurturing of their young, and females stay with their mothers for life.

Elephant calf rescue in South Africa.Credit: HERD

Friend, imagine the distress of a baby elephant who watched its mother brutally slaughtered by poachers, its tusks hacked from her face. Or the agony of a mother forced to abandon her trapped, terrified baby – to see the infant she birthed and raised die before her eyes. Tragically, this is the daily reality for elephants in South Africa.

Alone, helpless, and without their mothers’ milk, most elephant calves will die within DAYS of being displaced or orphaned. Their survival depends on you.

Please, can baby elephants count on you today?

Elephant calf rescue in South Africa.Credit: HERD

We are working with the Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development (HERD), a dedicated elephant orphanage in South Africa. Their mission is to provide critical, around-the-clock care and specialized nutrition to rescued elephant calves orphaned through poaching or snaring.

Calves like Khanyisa, a rare albino calf.

Khanyisa fell victim to a wire snare when she was just four months old, suffering for at least four agonizing days as the wire wrapped around her cheeks and cut into her mouth and ear.

Elephant calf rescue in South Africa.Credit: HERD

Her mother was forced to abandon her.

After being rescued from South Africa’s Kruger National Park, Khanyisa was transferred to HERD for life-saving treatment.

Thankfully, through extensive stem cell treatment and rehabilitation, Khanyisa has made a miraculous recovery. But she still has a long road ahead of her. Elephant calves are extremely sensitive, and a gradual milk-weaning process must be followed.

If the weaning process is rushed, the calf will die.

Elephant calf rescue in South Africa.Credit: HERD

Little Khanyisa and many other orphans like her require a special milk formula to support their survival. It is the closest thing to their mothers’ milk, and absolutely critical to their survival.

HERD is continually taking in orphaned elephants whose care and treatment is intricate and specialized. What the calves need most right now is special milk formula. It effectively supports their survival and brings them comfort because it so closely mimics their mothers’ milk.

As a species, elephants’ strong family bonds and delicate social dynamics are integral to their well-being. Thus, once fully healed, HERD’s orphans are gradually introduced to the Jabulani Herd â€“ a unique and close-knit family of 16 rescued and orphaned elephants from Zimbabwe and South Africa, who are always accepting of new calves.

Elephant calf rescue in South Africa.Credit: HERD

If we can raise $7,000 (£5,615), we can provide enough special milk formula for little Khanyisa and other orphaned elephants like her for the next three months.

Please, help little Khanyisa by donating now.

Elephants – especially orphaned calves – are highly vulnerable and dependent on the correct nourishmentcare and companionship. Many rescued by HERD are injured, dehydrated, and traumatized.

It is critical that we provide these poor creatures with a special milk formula that replicates the vital nutrients they would receive from their mothers. With your support right now, we can rush this life-saving milk to orphaned baby elephants in need immediately.

Can orphaned elephant calves count on you now?

Saving animals and the planet,

General Manager
Animal Survival International

P.S. African savanna elephants are currently listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Today, the greatest threat to their survival is wildlife crime, primarily poaching for the illegal ivory trade. We help stop criminals in their tracks by equipping our partners on the ground with state-of-the-art anti-poaching equipment. While we have had many successes, the problem persists as poachers become ever more sophisticated. Alongside our efforts to combat poaching, we must also help the vulnerable calves left orphaned by it. MORE orphaned elephants mean MORE milk. Please help us urgently provide vulnerable baby elephants like Khanyisa with the nutrition they desperately need to survive by donating today.

Banner credit: HERD

Elephant calf rescue in South Africa.

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