Fishan, an African elephant bull, has survived unimaginable horror and hardship in his 35-year life – and now, a terrible fracture threatens it all…
Credit: HERD
Fishan has defied all odds to survive 35 years through violent human conflict and poaching that killed his mother. We CANNOT let a leg fracture be the end of him – please, help!
Fishan was rescued from Zimbabwe in 2002 by our South African partner, Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development (HERD), when violent land grabs took place. He and his herd were saved in the nick of time. Most of the other elephants there died, and up to an estimated 60% of wildlife on private game reserves and conservancies were brutally slaughtered.
The herd escaped with their lives and were taken to safety at HERD’s headquarters, the Kapama Private Game Reserve.
Credit: HERD
Orphaned and castrated as a calf due to an infection AND forced out of his home in Zimbabwe, Fishan has a deeply traumatic history.
Tragically, his struggle to survive has not ended there.
Fishan has severely fractured his leg after stepping into a deep hole hidden by water. Elephants cannot easily survive broken legs because of the massive weight they place on their limbs.
Heartbreakingly, the fate that awaits elephants suffering from injuries like these is often euthanasia…
Credit: HERD
But our team was determined to give Fishan a chance at recovery after all he had been through.
It took 36 hours to get the four-ton animal onto his feet, followed by months of extensive medical treatment, including X-rays, casts, and pain relievers. Fishan has slowly started to adapt to his bent leg and limp and what must been extremely painful swelling and pressure wounds. The immediate danger is over, now we have to nurse him for the rest of his hopefully long life.
Fishan’s pain relief and full recovery depend on YOUR support today. We cannot let him suffer any longer.
Credit: HERD
Fishan’s journey is one of strength and determination, and his ongoing needs are extensive and costly. Forced to rest on his weaker side so that he can use his stronger side to lift himself up, Fishan suffers from severe pressure wounds that require regular cleaning and care to prevent infection.
In the colder months, his joints become stiff, swollen and more prone to pain, necessitating expensive anti-inflammatory medication and pain relievers.
We know you will agree it is worth it for a wild animal who deserves a pain-free life.
Fishan will always need support if he is to survive in the wild. HERD gives Fishan the daily care he needs to alleviate his suffering as much as possible – but he is not the only elephant in their care.
Credit: HERD
If we can raise $7,000 (around £5,750), we can help cover the cost of Fishan’s anti-inflammatory medication, pain relievers and expert veterinary care for the next SIX MONTHS.
Please, please show compassion for an injured elephant so he can stay in the wild.
Credit: HERD
Fishan’s role in his herd – the Jabulani Herd – is invaluable. He is renowned for being a protective and sensitive soul, helping matriarch Tokwe to look after the calves and maintaining order among the young bulls. Rare albino elephant calf Khanysia sees Fishan as a father figure, and many others look up to him for strength and guidance.
Matriarch Tokwe never leaves Fishan’s side – when the herd is walking together in the bush, Fishan is slower and limps, but Tokwe holds back to keep him company. This herd is not just a group of elephants. They are a family and Fishan plays a crucial role in caring for his herd, and they have stood by him at his weakest.
Today, we need you to stand with Fishan too. Be his “human herd” and help us give him the love, care, and medical attention he desperately needs to live and thrive, pain-free, with his family. Please donate generously to Animal Survival International today.