On the coast of Kenya, sea turtles are accidentally being caught in fishermen’s nets. Tragically, many become completely entangled and die, but with our help, they now have a chance of being rescued and released back into the ocean.
Entanglement is a major cause of death in sea turtles around the world. We have the ability to do something about it.
Many of the entangled turtles are endangered, including leatherback, green and loggerhead turtles. And the threat is constantly growing – as fishing activity increases, so do the instances of helpless sea turtles being caught in fishing gear.
30% of sea turtles in Kenya fall victim to entanglement, and most of them die.
If you have ever been lucky enough to watch a sea turtle swim in the ocean, then you know how special they are and that we cannot stand by without trying to help them. When turtles are caught in nets, they are unable to surface to breathe – they suffocate and drown.
Disentanglement rescue operations save sea turtles. Will you help us in the fight for sea turtle survival?
Our team was on the ground in Kenya when a call came in alerting us to an entanglement case. An endangered green turtle had been caught in a fishing net and was about to die. We rushed to its aid.
It takes a lot of effort to rescue a single turtle. Each one needs a thorough health assessment, the removal of parasites, tagging and release into a safe area where it is less likely to become entangled again.
To keep the turtle rescue team saving lives is not easy – its boats need fuel and (as any sailor knows) boats need constant maintenance. Plus a rescued turtle needs a lot of care before being sent on its sea journey.
Your donation will make a difference.
We are working with Local Ocean Conservation (LOC), an organization in Watamu, Kenya, committed to protecting the marine environment. If you choose to donate – and I hope you will – we can ensure that hundreds of turtles are saved from slow deaths in fishermen’s nets. Your donations will keep the LOC team on the ground – or in the water – patrolling for turtles in distress and rescuing and releasing these endangered creatures to safe locations. They stand so little chance without our help.
There is immediate work to be done and long-term work as well, because it is so important to educate fishermen that the days are gone when eating turtles was okay; today, turtles are so endangered that every turtle saved is a small victory against their extinction. Your donation will help now and in the future.