An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from ASI’s Chief Financial Officer: “I am worried for my children, and yours – and the animals!”

An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from ASI’s Chief Financial Officer: “I am worried for my children, and yours – and the animals!”

My job at Animal Survival International (ASI) is a financial one and I am not used to talking to our supporters, but while working at ASI I have learned so much about the danger the world is in from climate change that, as the mother of two young children, I have to speak.

The pace of climate change is so fast and so potentially deadly that I truly fear for all the world’s children who face what is coming. Climate change is causing disaster after disaster around the globe. As a mother and wife, I speak to all families out there and urge them – urge you – to ACT NOW to stop climate change before it is too late. Please, will you help us today?

Let me give you just one example…

A devastating drought in South Africa is threatening the lives of thousands of wild animals in the Addo National Park. It is not a routine drought – it is a catastrophe and should not be happening.

The WORST DROUGHT IN A CENTURY has put the lives of hundreds of elephants and their babies at imminent risk!

An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from ASI’s Chief Financial Officer: “I am worried for my children, and yours - and the animals!”
A herd of elephants digging for water

Waterholes are drying up with terrifying speed. Just this year ASI provided four waterholes with solar-powered pumps, and I am trying to find the funds for two more. Without this help, the 650 elephants and thousands of zebras, buffalo, lions, antelope and other animals that call Addo National Park home would not have enough to drink.

This means that mother elephants will struggle to produce enough milk for their babies – and as a mother, I can barely imagine the anguish of any mother whose baby is suckling and finding no nourishment, ever-weakening until the end comes. I can’t help but think about my girls and how I would feel in the same situation. It gets even worse because even if the rains finally come, the vegetation will take years to recover. Bad news for elephants.

An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from ASI’s Chief Financial Officer: “I am worried for my children, and yours - and the animals!”

This is a story that is sadly repeated throughout Africa. In the northeast of Namibia too, the last of the iconic desert elephants and the last desert lions are on the verge of extinction because of an intense drought that has lasted five years.

The time for talk is over. World leaders must ACT on climate change NOW!

An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from ASI’s Chief Financial Officer: “I am worried for my children, and yours - and the animals!”
An elephant drinking water after digging a hole

ASI does all it can to ensure that beleaguered animals survive (the waterholes we have funded – and more, if you will donate today – ARE SAVING LIVES!), but this problem is bigger than any one organization can effectively tackle. It’s time for the world’s governments to do more than pay lip service to climate change. Our world – our children’s world is in peril, and it’s plain to see.

There is no denying the situation when you see the elephants of South Africa’s Addo National Park or the lions of north-eastern Namibia dying of thirst and the desert slowly creeping over farmland. Please, join us in our fight – for the animals and for our children.

There is much to be done, but ASI will not give up!
Can we count on your help today?

We have also provided water to help one of the last free-ranging elephant herds of Namibia survive. Without us, elephants in Addo would be thirsty. At ASI, we know we are doing the absolute best we can to help, but so much more needs to be done.

An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from ASI’s Chief Financial Officer: “I am worried for my children, and yours - and the animals!”
ASI provided water to one of the last free-ranging elephant herds of Namibia

Saving animals and the planet,

An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from ASI’s Chief Financial Officer: “I am worried for my children, and yours - and the animals!”

Chief Financial Officer
Animal Survival International

Saving animals and the planet,

General Manager
Animal Survival International

P.S. climate change is real, and it is such a crisis that it will affect all of us. For the sake of my children and yours and the animals who depend upon us to protect the world, we all need to help save our planet. Please, donate as generously as you can today so that we can continue our fight for a future where our children will know elephants as living creatures, not pictures in storybooks.

Images: Banner: Safaritalk; Image 1: Animal Survival International; Image 2: Animal Survival International; Image 3: Africa Geographic; Image 4: Animal Survival International

An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from ASI’s Chief Financial Officer: “I am worried for my children, and yours – and the animals!”

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